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Class robot::control::ControllableAdaptor
perhaps a ControlInterfaceAdaptor would be a better idea (avoid dependance on Controllable). Could implement a ControlInterfaceCombiner to joint interfaces. Couldn't then have any active adaptation scheme as is possible with this class.

Member robot::control::ControllableAdaptor::AdaptorControlInterface::inputName (Int i) const

Member robot::control::ControllableAdaptor::AdaptorControlInterface::outputName (Int i) const

Class robot::control::kinematics::IKOR

Class robot::sim::IKORTest
later, rather than instantiating a TestBasicEnvironment to externalize in, it should be left to the tester to instantiate. This will require an EnvironmentDescription heirarchy to mirror the Environment classes (in robot::sim)

Member robot::control::kinematics::InverseKinematicsSolver::solve (const Vector &dx, const Vector &x, const Vector &q, const base::Matrix &J, OptimizationMethod optMethod=DefaultMethod, OptimizationCriterion optCriterion=DefaultCriterion, OptimizationConstraints optConstraints=OptimizationConstraints(DefaultConstraints), base::Orient::Representation orientationRepresentation=base::Orient::EulerRPY)=0
why is x necessary?

Member robot::JFKengine::getJacobian (const KinematicChain &chain, bool includeOrientation=true) const
check & document if this is the Geometric Jacobian or Analytical Jacobian (in Jg the orientation components represent ang. vel (omega), in Ja the orientation components represent the time derivative of Euler angles - theta_dot) - I think this implementation is Jg. (omega is better for representing ang. velocity than theta_dot. On the other hand, the intergral of theta_dot, Euler angles themselves (theta) can easily represent orientation, but the intergral of omega has no physical meaning (called quasi-coordinates))

Class gfx::LookAtCameraManipulator
reimplement (as this is broken since switch to Producer)

Class robot::control::ManipulatorPIDPositionController
later this should be changed to require :JointForceControl instead.

Class base::Math
consider using a Singelton policy template class for this (and perhaps also Application)

Class base::Orient
finish implementing and testing this class!

Member demeter::Terrain::Animate ()
Provide better support for animation of terrain features such as fluids, moving features, etc.

Member demeter::Terrain::SetFluidElevation (float elevation)
Provide better support for fluids (bodies of water, etc.)

Member demeter::Terrain::SetFluidTexture (char *szFilename)
Provide better support for fluids (bodies of water, etc.)

Generated on Thu Jul 29 16:38:20 2004 for OpenSim by doxygen 1.3.6