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00001 /* ________________________________________________________
00002   |                                                        |
00003   | Program Name:   matrix.h                               |
00004   |________________________________________________________|
00005   |                                                        |
00006   | description: Contains MATRIX data structure and func-  |
00007   |    tion declarations and descriptions for matrix.c     |
00008   |                                                        |
00009   |________________________________________________________| */
00011 #include <stdlib.h>
00012 #include <IKOR/general.h>
00013 #define SVD_THRESHOLD     1.0e-6
00014 #define PrintIfBiggerThan 0.0e+0
00015 #define TINY              1.0e-20
00016 #define SV_SMALL          1.0e-6
00018 void ludcmp();        /*   LU decomposition                    */
00019 void lubksb();        /*   LU backsubstitution                 */
00020 void svdcmp(float **a, int m, int n, float *w, float **v);        /*   Singular Value Decomposition        */
00021 void svbksb();        /*   SVD backsubstitution                */
00022 void mat_free(MATRIX *m);      /*   Free matrix pointer                 */
00023 void mat_pr(MATRIX *a);        /*   Print matrix (not full precision)   */
00024 void mat_prf(MATRIX *a);       /*   Print matrix (full precision)       */
00025 void mat_mul(MATRIX *a,MATRIX  *b,MATRIX *c);       /*   Multiplicate two matrices           */
00026 void mat_add(MATRIX *a,MATRIX *b,MATRIX *c);       /*   Add two matrices                    */
00027 void mat_sub(MATRIX *a,MATRIX *b,MATRIX *c);       /*   Subtract a matrix from another      */
00028 void mat_sca(MATRIX *a,float  c);       /*   Scale a matrix by a factor          */
00029 void mat_LU_inv(MATRIX *a);    /*   Invert a matrix using LU-dec.       */
00030 void mat_pseudoinv(MATRIX *a); /*   Inverse or pseudoinverse using SVD  */
00031 double mat_det(MATRIX *a);     /*   Determinant using SVD               */
00032 double mat_eigen(MATRIX *a);   /*   Max eigen value of AtA              */
00033 void mat_tra(MATRIX *a);       /*   Transpose a matrix                  */
00034 void mat_cp(MATRIX *a,MATRIX *cpy);        /*   Copy a matrix into another          */
00036 float mat_vec_dot();  /* Dot product two vectors: rows 0 of the two matrices  */
00037 void  mat_vec_cross();/* Cross product two vectors: rows 0 of the two matrices*/
00038 float mat_vec_abs();  /* Length (absolute value) of a vector: rows 0 a matrix */
00039 void mat_null(MATRIX *a, int* n_rank, MATRIX* n, float* K2);
00041 /* All these functions *mat_xxx2() are equivalent to their mat_xxx() function,
00042  * except that they automatically creates the return matrix by allocating
00043  * space for them, and returning the pointer to the MATRIX structure.
00044  */
00046 MATRIX *mat_malloc(int rows, int cols); /*   Matrix allocation                     */
00047 MATRIX *mat_mul2(MATRIX *a,MATRIX *b);      
00048 MATRIX *mat_cp2();      
00049 MATRIX *mat_add2(MATRIX *a,MATRIX *b);      
00050 MATRIX *mat_sub2(MATRIX *a,MATRIX *b);      
00051 MATRIX *mat_tra2(MATRIX *A);   /* B = mat_tra2(A); is:  B = transpose of A */

Generated on Thu Jul 29 15:56:35 2004 for OpenSim by doxygen 1.3.6