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00001 SubDir TOP base ;
00003 OTOP = $(TOP)/robot/control/oldikor ;
00006 BASEHDRS = $(OLDIKORHDRS) $(CPPUNIT)/include $(BOOST) $(OPENSCENEGRAPH)/include $(XERCES)/include ;
00008 SubDirHdrs $(TOP) $(BASEHDRS) ;
00010 SharedLib base :        base.cpp 
00011                         debugtools.cpp
00012                         BaseTest.cpp
00013                         Object.cpp 
00014                         SmallObj.cpp
00015                         MemoryTracer.cpp
00016                         MD5.cpp
00017                         Singleton.cpp
00018                         Vector3.cpp 
00019                         Matrix3.cpp 
00020                         Matrix4.cpp
00021                         Quat4.cpp
00022                         Orient.cpp
00023                         OrientTest.cpp
00024                         Transform.cpp
00025                         Path.cpp
00026                         WaypointPathRep.cpp
00027                         ParametricPathRep.cpp
00028                         Trajectory.cpp
00029                         WaypointTrajectoryRep.cpp
00030                         ParametricTrajectoryRep.cpp
00031                         Math.cpp
00032                         MathTest.cpp
00033                         SVD.cpp
00034                         Time.cpp 
00035                         Cache.cpp 
00036                         Serializable.cpp
00037                         Serializer.cpp
00038                         BinarySerializer.cpp
00039                         SimpleXMLSerializer.cpp
00040                         Externalizable.cpp
00041                         Externalizer.cpp
00042                         Application.cpp
00043                         PathName.cpp 
00044                         StdFileSystem.cpp 
00045                         VDirectory.cpp
00046                         Directory.cpp 
00047                         File.cpp 
00048                         CacheDirectory.cpp
00049                         CacheFile.cpp
00050                         EventListenerList.cpp
00051                         ResourceCache.cpp 
00052                         Universe.cpp 
00053                         Simulatable.cpp
00054                         Expression.cpp
00055                         CosExpression.cpp
00056                 ;

Generated on Thu Jul 29 15:56:06 2004 for OpenSim by doxygen 1.3.6